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Experimenting with the Open Vacuum Tube

Open Vacuum Tube by Nikola Tesla

Simple Open Vacuum Tube
Simple Open Vacuum Tube
Modifyed Open Vacuum Tube
Modifyed Open Vacuum Tube

Prepared Statement of Tesla (For interview with press on 81st birthday observance):


There is one more discovery which I want to announce at this time, consisting of a new method and apparatus for the obtainment of vacua exceeding many times the highest heretofore realized. I think that as much as one-billionth of a micron can be attained. What may be accomplished by means of such vacua is a matter of conjecture, but it is obvious that they will make possible the production of much more intense effects in electron tubes. My ideas regarding the electron are at variance with those generally entertained. I hold that it is a relatively large body carrying a surface charge and not an elementary unit. When such an electron leaves an electrode of extremely high potential and in very high vacuum, it carries an electrostatic charge many times greater than the normal. This may astonish some of those who think that the particle has the same charge in the tube and outside of it in the air. A beautiful and instructive experiment has been contrived by me showing that such is not the case, for as soon as the particle gets out into the atmosphere it becomes a blazing star owing to the escape of the excess charge. The great quantity of electricity stored on the particle is responsible for the difficulties encountered in the operation of certain tubes and the rapid deterioration of the same.


Actual exemple of an Air Venturi Vacuum Generator Pump


Technical features (source: http://www.2linc.com/venturi_vacuum.htm):


  • Maximum vacuum generated is 22"HG - 26"HG = 10.8psi-12.8psi = 0.744633bar-0.882529bar
  • Only 70-80psi (= 4.826330bar-5.515805bar) air pressure is required to obtain the maximum vacuum.


Air Venturi Vacuum Generator Pump
Air Venturi Vacuum Generator Pump
Scheme of a Venturi Vacuum Generator Pump
Scheme of a Venturi Vacuum Generator Pump

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    robo (Monday, 10 November 2014 06:50)

    yes,use this tip with a wire feed welder.feeding wire into the nozel.then have high voltage and current dc.radiation and globs of plasma will splatter outward.use tungstun wire.you may need a focus ring further out.maybe magnetic.